PhD Institut Langevin, ESPCI.
Now: Software engineer in biomedical imaging at the Wyss Center (Geneva)
Ophthalmologist and researcher specialized in AMD
Now : University of Turin
PhD Institut Langevin, ESPCI,
PhD topic: High speed holographic OCT.
Postdoc : Paris Dauphine University
PhD candidate: ONERA
PhD topic: AO-assisted Structured Illumination Ophthalmoscopy.
PhD candidate: ISEP
PhD topic: Image processing of vascular disease
Postdoc : Laser Doppler Holography
Now at : Lübeck University
PhD Institut Langevin, ESPCI
Now: Optical R&D engineer in DAMAE Medical
Research Engineer : Histology
Postdoc : Adaptive Optics ophthalmoscopy
Julia Sverdlin
PhD Institut de la Vision, Sorbonne Université
PhD topic: Holographic refractometry for ophthalmology
PhD Institut de la Vision, Sorbonne Université