Retinal blood flow reversal quantitatively monitored in out-of-plane vessels with laser Doppler holography
Nature Publishing Group
8th September 2021
Application of laser Doppler holography in the anterior segment to image blood flow and assess the corneal and lens transparency
23rd August 2021
Laser Doppler holography of the anterior segment for blood flow imaging, eye tracking, and transparency assessment
Biomedical optics express
7th July 2021
Directional contrast and observation of retinal arterial retrograde blood flow in out-of-plane vessels with laser Doppler holography
Ophthalmic Technologies XXXI
5th March 2021
Vascular occlusion monitoring in the eye fundus by laser Doppler holography
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Spatio-temporal filtering in laser Doppler holography for retinal blood flow imaging
Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 3274-3287 (2020)
1st June 2020
Spatio-temporal filtering in laser Doppler holography for retinal blood flow imaging
"Spatio-temporal filtering in laser Doppler holography for retinal blood flow imaging," Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 3274-3287 (2020)
May 2020
Laser Doppler holography of the human retina
Biomed Opt Exp Vol. 9, Issue 9, pp. 4113-4129 (2018)
1st September 2018